A Father Christmas Hat with a Faux Fur Edge


The Father Christmas hat is very easy to make. A piece of square felt is cut and sewn and a piece of string is tied to the top of the hat. Faux fur is sewn on with tacking stitches.

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Guide step %d
1   Cut a piece of felt measuring 0.45m x the circumference of the head + 4cm for the seam.
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2   Cut a piece of faux fur (7-10cm x the circumference of the head + 5-6cm for the seam).
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3   Sew the felt together (on the 0.45m length) with 1cm seam.
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4   Tie a piece of string or yarn around one end of the felt tube to make the tassel of the hat and tie a knot.
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5   Sew on faux fur with tacking stitches. Start from the seam of the felt hat (the back).
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6   Bend up the fur edge and sew the edge at the back last. Cut off any excess fur beforehand.
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